Let’s reach our goal together!
Your investment will support our mission as we fight to promote a positive ideas and policies for future generations of Americans.
We are an independent non-partisan policy organization focusing on Education, Immigration Policies, Healthcare and Civic Engagement that promotes economic opportunity for all.
LRTV Contribution forms
Latino Public Policy Foundation (LPPF) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. LPPF is a project of Latinos Ready to Vote. Donations must be made to Latinos Ready to Vote. All Contributions to LRTV/LPPF are tax-deductible. EIN: 81-5021881
Latinos Ready to Vote/Latino Public Polly Foundation is a tax-exempt public educational and charity under 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. All donations made are fully tax deductible.
If you are planning to contribute more than $10,000 we ask that you give via check to ensure your support goes directly to funding our work. Checks must be made to “Latinos Ready To Vote,” 6666 Harwin Dr. #340, Houston, TX 77036
For more info: email: [email protected]